Charlie's Rips Gathering Place
Charlie's Rips was named for long time Dennys River Salmon Club President and school principal Charles Sylvia, whose house on the Harrison Road in Edmunds was a short walk across the fields to this section of the river. In their book, "Salmon on the Dennys. 1786-1988", Ed Bartlett and Ray Robinson wrote about a central gathering place on the Dennys at Charlie's Rips: "Two priorities establish where these get togethers occur. The first rule is it must be where the fishing is quite good, and fish may be seen as they roll or jump. Secondly, there must be some shade trees under which to place the benches. Conversations may range form fishing to politics and all subjects in between. Nothing seems to be sacred and all must take his turn getting the needle. There are a lot of belly laughs, and all the joshing is generally good fun. A thick skin is as necessary as a good fly vest and other fishing equipment. Fishermen gather here to wait their turn to fish the Rips, tie on a new leader or a "killer" fly, to check on the fishing. or just listen to the gab. The Dennys would be a much poorer place if this meeting point did not exist. (p. 51)
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