Gardner's Stores, Houses and School House on Meetinghouse Hill, Dennysville Maine. c. 1900
Gardner's stores line the bank of the Dennys River, as houses across the road lead up hill towards the Town School and Congregational Meetinghouse. William L. Kilby's house, later owned by Fred Gardner, is across from the stores, while his father William Kilby Jr.'s house is just uphill, in line with schoolhouse above, recognizable for its cupola and bell. The web link below connects to a recent video made from the same location as this turn of the century black and white photograph, taken over one hundred years ago.
Cabinet Card
Rebecca W. Hobart writes: "William L. Kilby died in 1847 at the age of thirty-two, leaving a widow, Elizabeth (Ward) and three young children, George W., Elvira, and Eliza. In 1849 Elizabeth married her first husband's bother, Edwin Kilby. Their son, William E. Kilby was born in 1852. ln later years, Eliza, daughter of William L., and her half brother William E., son of Edwin, resided in the small house previously owned by Edwin B. Kilby, which became, during the later 20th century, the home of R. Foster and Ruby (Trott) Leighton." from "Dennysville 1786-1986 . . . and Edmunds, Too!," p. 88.
Dennys River Historic PhotographsHallowell Collection at the Tides InstitutePhotos for Map