A.L.R. Gardner House, Dennysville, Maine
After the death of A.L.R. Gardner in 1891, his sons, Fred L. and Edwin R., had their mother's house, barn, carriage house, and woodshed moved by oxen from its original location, down through the fields, to a new site near their own houses and the A.L.R. Gardner Co. store on Water Street. (Edward Leighton, son of Ralph, later erected his dwelling on the original A.L.R. Gardner foundation.) A.L.R.Gardner's widow, Abbie Gardner, occupied the house until her death in 1915, succeeded by her unmarried daughter Eva. In later years the house was owned and occupied by Fred L. Gardner's daughter Edith (Gardner) Merriam. After being owned by Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Cox, the house became the property of Harry and Gladys Hansen. Following their deaths, the house was purchased by Edith's granddaughter, who had the structure disassembled and incorporated into a new house on Lincoln Cove in Perry, Maine.
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