Wilder-Mayhew House Site, Dennysville, Maine
William Mayhew, brother-in-law of Theodore Lincoln, settled at this location on what was first called Potato Point, then Mayhew's Point, and finally Hinkley Point. Rebecca Hobart notes several later residents on this site: " Robert Wilder, Sr., and his son Herbert live on the Hinkley Point Road in the Pushee House, which was built on the site of the former home of William Mayhew, and later James DeForest." Robert Farnsworth Wilder Sr., left Dennysville as a young man to find work in New Hampshire and later Massachusetts, where he raised his family, including Robert Wilder, Jr., who returned to Dennysville and served as Fire Chief for many years. His son Herbert worked for any years on Cape Cod as a carpenter, before returning to Dennysville in retirement where he built a carpentry shop beside his father's house, and was willing to fix anything for anyone.
Contemporary Photographs of the Dennys River AreaPhotos for Map