Miscellaneous Photos and Copies
14 photographic prints and photocopies of images showing different scenes in and around Dennysville, Maine:
The last camping ground of Company A, 15th Maine Volunteers, 1866 (copy)
Portrait of Daniel Morang, ca. 1870
Photo of painting showing Dennys River and buildings on the shore
Photos (two) by John Sheahan of houses on both sides of the Dennys River in the collection of the Tides Institute and Museum of Art, Eastport, Maine (copies)
Photo of house and barn (copy)
Photos of Ken Hodgen’s garages, later the Grange Hall (copies)
Portrait of Jesse and Grace Crosby
Photo of girls in Fourth of July parade, ca. 1930 (copy)
Photo of workers in a sawmill, ca. 1880s (copy)
Photo of log sled and team, n.d., (colorized copy)
Photo of Dennysville Congregational Church in winter (copy)
Photo of Dennys River in the collection of the Tides Museum and Institute of Art, Eastport, Maine (copy)
Papers of Rebecca W. Hobart
1866 - 1940
Logging--MaineChurches--Dennysville, MaineMill Workers--Washington County, MaineParades and Processions--Washington County, MaineGranges----Washington County, MaineGarages---Washington County, MaineHouses--Washington County, MaineBarns--Washington County, MaineDennysville, Maine--PhotographsDennys River--PhotographsSoldiers' Lives--Encampments
Vestry Museum
Box 8c, Folder 7