John Allan's Store-American Legion Post
John Allan's Store was located beside his home, which he operated as the Riverside Inn. There is no record of when the building was erected, or how long the store business lasted. John Allan's store appears on both the 1860 and 1881 maps of Dennysville. The post office was located in the store at one time, the letter slot remaining on the front door of the building until recent years. In 1902 the Modern Woodmen of America purchased the building for use as a hall. In 1952, the building was purchased by the newly formed Gardner-Foss Post. No 196, American Legion, so named to honor Leroy Gardner and Harland Foss who lost their lives in World Wars I and II. Robert Wilder, Jr., the first commander, was followed by Carl Seeley, Steve Tjaden, Robert Higgins, and others. Among the many activities of the Legion has been the decorating of veteran's graves and conducting Memorial Day services, followed by a procession to the cemetery. When the Legion Post closed around 1980, the building became a storehouse for the Lyons General Store down the street. In the 1990's the building, in good condition, was torn down by the occupants of the J.D. Allan house next door to make room for a driveway.
Dennysville Historic DistrictDennys River Historic Photographs