Suffolk University Field Station and Friedman Laboratory, Edmunds, Maine
Suffolk University Marine Field Station and Friedman Laboratory, South Edmunds Road, Edmunds, Maine. Later the University phased out their studies here. Now, under new ownership, the facility will be used for ecological studies. Old photographs of the Field station are from Suffolk University Archives, and are used for educational purposes only.
In 1969 Suffolk University of Boston established a marine field station, the Robert S. Friedman Cobscook Bay Laboratory on the South Edmunds Road. The principal objective of the field station was the educational and professional advancement of undergraduate students, with the focus of research on the marine and nearshore environments of Cobscook Bay. A 200 by 300 foot all-purpose building was erected and several others built or moved on to the 15 acre location. One of the features of the summer sessions was a Thursday evening seminar program to which the public was invited to hear about the students' research and various guest speakers.
Contemporary Photographs of the Dennys River AreaPhotos for Map