Little Falls School, Edmunds, Maine
At a legal meeting of Township X in 1805, no money was raised for education and no school officials were elected. By 1860 there were six school districts in Edmunds, with a total of 190 pupils. The school register for the District No. 3 (Little Falls) School reported by Phoebe Gibbs, teacher, to Isaac Hobart, agent, reported 22 pupils varying in age from five to seventeen, registered in the spring, and 17 in the fall, all of them "good" or "very good" in deportment. The teacher's monthly wages were $2.50, exclusive of board. The Little Falls School at the time was located where the cut was made through the ledge at the eastern end of the 1926 cement bridge. A later building was erected in the 1890's, across the road from George Gardner's dwelling. After the school was closed, about 1930, the structure was used as a residence by Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Carter, Mr. and Mrs. William Moores, and more recently by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Benedict. The building became vacant in the 1908's and burned down shortly thereafter.
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