Hobart Journal [transcribed and indexed by C. Edward Egan, Jr.]
Photocopies of article, “The Hobart Journal,” in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. CXXI, 1967.
In blue three-ring binder, copied from volume at the Hingham Public Library Hingham, Mass
Papers of Rebecca W. Hobart
Hobart Family--GenealogyHingham, Massachusetts--History
1635 - 1737
Approximately 60 pages
Vestry Museum
Box 5b
Photocopied pages in plastic sleeves.
![Hobart Journal [transcribed and indexed by C. Edward Egan, Jr.] picture number 1](https://d8e7jbdw4fu0e.cloudfront.net/9956/1220e350-21b0-11ee-ae76-09e76b782c3b-vwUjP7e.lg@2x.jpg)