Congregational Parsonage, Dennysville, Maine
During the first thirty years after the arrival of the first pastor, the Reverend Robert Crossett, in 1830, the church had no property which could serve as a residence for the minster and his family. During the pastorate of the Reverend Charles Whittier, a dwelling was erected to provide a parsonage. The construction was started on June 27, 1862, and the raising was on July 16. No date is recorded for the completion of the structure, but the following spring found the Whittier family in residence there. The cost, $2,583.83 was shared by John Allan, who gave $500 in memory of his wife Lydia (Kilby), and John Kilby who donated the remaining $2,083.83 and an acre of land. A ceremony of presentation of the parsonage to the Church was held April 16, 1863. The parsonage was occupied by the Whittiers until 1891 and for the next forty years by other members of the clergy and their families. During the years 1932-1967 it was occupied intermittently by preachers and their families. The parsonage was sold in 1967.
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